Source code for scraibe.diarisation

Diarisation Class

This class serves as the heart of the speaker diarization system, responsible for identifying
and segmenting individual speakers from a given audio file. It leverages a pretrained model
from, providing an accessible interface for audio processing tasks such as
speaker separation, and timestamping.

By encapsulating the complexities of the underlying model, it allows for straightforward
integration into various applications, ranging from transcription services to voice assistants.

Available Classes:
- Diariser: Main class for performing speaker diarization. 
            Includes methods for loading models, processing audio files,
            and formatting the diarization output.

- TOKEN_PATH (str): Path to the Pyannote token.
- PYANNOTE_DEFAULT_PATH (str): Default path to Pyannote models.
- PYANNOTE_DEFAULT_CONFIG (str): Default configuration for Pyannote models.

    from .diarisation import Diariser

    model = Diariser.load_model(model="path/to/model/config.yaml")
    diarisation_output = model.diarization("path/to/audiofile.wav")

import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TypeVar, Union

from import Pipeline
from import SpeakerDiarization
from torch import Tensor

Annotation = TypeVar('Annotation') 

TOKEN_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
            os.path.realpath(__file__)), '.pyannotetoken')

[docs] class Diariser: """ Handles the diarization process of an audio file using a pretrained model from Diarization is the task of determining "who spoke when." Args: model: The pretrained model to use for diarization. """ def __init__(self, model) -> None: self.model = model
[docs] def diarization(self, audiofile : Union[str, Tensor, dict] , *args, **kwargs) -> Annotation: """ Perform speaker diarization on the provided audio file, effectively separating different speakers and providing a timestamp for each segment. Args: audiofile: The path to the audio file or a torch.Tensor containing the audio data. args: Additional arguments for the diarization model. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments for the diarization model. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing speaker names, segments, and other information related to the diarization process. """ kwargs = self._get_diarisation_kwargs(**kwargs) diarization = self.model(audiofile,*args, **kwargs) out = self.format_diarization_output(diarization) return out
[docs] @staticmethod def format_diarization_output(dia : Annotation) -> dict: """ Formats the raw diarization output into a more usable structure for this project. Args: dia: Raw diarization output. Returns: dict: A structured representation of the diarization, with speaker names as keys and a list of tuples representing segments as values. """ dia_list = list(dia.itertracks(yield_label=True)) diarization_output = {"speakers": [], "segments": []} normalized_output = [] index_start_speaker = 0 index_end_speaker = 0 current_speaker = str() ### # Sometimes two consecutive speakers are the same # This loop removes these duplicates ### if len(dia_list) == 1: normalized_output.append([0, 0, dia_list[0][2]]) else: for i, (_, _, speaker) in enumerate(dia_list): if i == 0: current_speaker = speaker if speaker != current_speaker: index_end_speaker = i - 1 normalized_output.append([index_start_speaker, index_end_speaker, current_speaker]) index_start_speaker = i current_speaker = speaker if i == len(dia_list) - 1: index_end_speaker = i normalized_output.append([index_start_speaker, index_end_speaker, current_speaker]) for outp in normalized_output: start = dia_list[outp[0]][0].start end = dia_list[outp[1]][0].end diarization_output["segments"].append([start, end]) diarization_output["speakers"].append(outp[2]) return diarization_output
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_token(): """ Retrieves the Huggingface token from a local file. This token is required for accessing certain online resources. Raises: ValueError: If the token is not found. Returns: str: The Huggingface token. """ if os.path.exists(TOKEN_PATH): with open(TOKEN_PATH, 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file: token = else: raise ValueError('No token found.' \ 'Please create a token at' \ f'and save it in a file called {TOKEN_PATH}') return token
[docs] @staticmethod def _save_token(token): """ Saves the provided Huggingface token to a local file. This facilitates future access to online resources without needing to repeatedly authenticate. Args: token: The Huggingface token to save. """ with open(TOKEN_PATH, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as file: file.write(token)
[docs] @classmethod def load_model(cls, model: str = PYANNOTE_DEFAULT_CONFIG, use_auth_token: str = None, cache_token: bool = True, cache_dir: Union[Path, str] = PYANNOTE_DEFAULT_PATH, hparams_file: Union[str, Path] = None, *args, **kwargs ) -> Pipeline: """ Loads a pretrained model from, either from a local cache or online repository. Args: model: Path or identifier for the pyannote model. default: /models/pyannote/speaker_diarization/config.yaml token: Optional HUGGINGFACE_TOKEN for authenticated access. cache_token: Whether to cache the token locally for future use. cache_dir: Directory for caching models. hparams_file: Path to a YAML file containing hyperparameters. args: Additional arguments only to avoid errors. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments only to avoid errors. Returns: Pipeline: A Pipeline object, encapsulating the loaded model. """ if cache_token and use_auth_token is not None: cls._save_token(use_auth_token) if not os.path.exists(model) and use_auth_token is None: use_auth_token = cls._get_token() model = 'pyannote/speaker-diarization' elif not os.path.exists(model) and use_auth_token is not None: model = 'pyannote/speaker-diarization' _model = Pipeline.from_pretrained(model, use_auth_token = use_auth_token, cache_dir = cache_dir, hparams_file = hparams_file,) if _model is None: raise ValueError('Unable to load model either from local cache' \ 'or from models. Please check your token' \ 'or your local model path') return cls(_model)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_diarisation_kwargs(**kwargs) -> dict: """ Validates and extracts the keyword arguments for the pyannote diarization model. Ensures that the provided keyword arguments match the expected parameters, filtering out any invalid or unnecessary arguments. Returns: dict: A dictionary containing the validated keyword arguments. """ _possible_kwargs = SpeakerDiarization.apply.__code__.co_varnames diarisation_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in _possible_kwargs} return diarisation_kwargs
def __repr__(self): return f"Diarisation(model={self.model})"