Source code for scraibe.transcriber

Transcriber Module

This module provides the Transcriber class, a comprehensive tool for working with Whisper models.
The Transcriber class offers functionalities such as loading different Whisper models, transcribing audio files,
and saving transcriptions to text files. It acts as an interface between various Whisper models and the user,
simplifying the process of audio transcription.

Main Features:
    - Loading different sizes and versions of Whisper models.
    - Transcribing audio in various formats including str, Tensor, and nparray.
    - Saving the transcriptions to the specified paths.
    - Adaptable to various language specifications.
    - Options to control the verbosity of the transcription process.
    WHISPER_DEFAULT_PATH: Default path for downloading and loading Whisper models.

    >>> from your_package import Transcriber
    >>> transcriber = Transcriber.load_model(model="medium")
    >>> transcript = transcriber.transcribe(audio="path/to/audio.wav")
    >>> transcriber.save_transcript(transcript, "path/to/save.txt")

from whisper import Whisper, load_model
from typing import TypeVar , Union , Optional
from torch import Tensor, device
from numpy import ndarray

from .misc import WHISPER_DEFAULT_PATH
whisper = TypeVar('whisper') 

[docs] class Transcriber: """ Transcriber Class ----------------- The Transcriber class serves as a wrapper around Whisper models for efficient audio transcription. By encapsulating the intricacies of loading models, processing audio, and saving transcripts, it offers an easy-to-use interface for users to transcribe audio files. Attributes: model (whisper): The Whisper model used for transcription. Methods: transcribe: Transcribes the given audio file. save_transcript: Saves the transcript to a file. load_model: Loads a specific Whisper model. _get_whisper_kwargs: Private method to get valid keyword arguments for the whisper model. Examples: >>> transcriber = Transcriber.load_model(model="medium") >>> transcript = transcriber.transcribe(audio="path/to/audio.wav") >>> transcriber.save_transcript(transcript, "path/to/save.txt") Note: The class supports various sizes and versions of Whisper models. Please refer to the load_model method for available options. """
[docs] def __init__(self, model: whisper ) -> None: """ Initialize the Transcriber class with a Whisper model. Args: model (whisper): The Whisper model to use for transcription. """ self.model = model
[docs] def transcribe(self, audio : Union[str, Tensor, ndarray] , *args, **kwargs) -> str: """ Transcribe an audio file. Args: audio (Union[str, Tensor, nparray]): The audio file to transcribe. *args: Additional arguments. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments, such as the language of the audio file. Returns: str: The transcript as a string. """ kwargs = self._get_whisper_kwargs(**kwargs) if not kwargs.get("verbose"): kwargs["verbose"] = None result = self.model.transcribe(audio, *args, **kwargs) return result["text"]
[docs] @staticmethod def save_transcript(transcript : str , save_path : str) -> None: """ Save a transcript to a file. Args: transcript (str): The transcript as a string. save_path (str): The path to save the transcript. Returns: None """ with open(save_path, 'w') as f: f.write(transcript) print(f'Transcript saved to {save_path}')
[docs] @classmethod def load_model(cls, model: str = "medium", download_root: str = WHISPER_DEFAULT_PATH, device: Optional[Union[str, device]] = None, in_memory: bool = False, *args, **kwargs ) -> 'Transcriber': """ Load whisper model. Args: model (str): Whisper model. Available models include: - 'tiny.en' - 'tiny' - 'base.en' - 'base' - 'small.en' - 'small' - 'medium.en' - 'medium' - 'large-v1' - 'large-v2' - 'large' download_root (str, optional): Path to download the model. Defaults to WHISPER_DEFAULT_PATH. device (Optional[Union[str, torch.device]], optional): Device to load model on. Defaults to None. in_memory (bool, optional): Whether to load model in memory. Defaults to False. args: Additional arguments only to avoid errors. kwargs: Additional keyword arguments only to avoid errors. Returns: Transcriber: A Transcriber object initialized with the specified model. """ _model = load_model(model, download_root=download_root, device=device, in_memory=in_memory) return cls(_model)
[docs] @staticmethod def _get_whisper_kwargs(**kwargs) -> dict: """ Get kwargs for whisper model. Ensure that kwargs are valid. Returns: dict: Keyword arguments for whisper model. """ _possible_kwargs = Whisper.transcribe.__code__.co_varnames whisper_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in _possible_kwargs} if (task := kwargs.get("task")): whisper_kwargs["task"] = task if (language := kwargs.get("language")): whisper_kwargs["language"] = language return whisper_kwargs
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Transcriber(model={self.model})"